Acupuncture & Complementary Services


What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the practice of inserting fine, sterile, single-use needles in specific points of the body to encourage healing and to cultivate physical and mental health.

  • According to centuries of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture benefits the body as well as the mind by correcting imbalances and putting us back in touch with ourselves. Acupuncture needles create micro-traumas which activate the entire body’s biofeedback system, initiating a natural self-healing response that extends far beyond where the needles are inserted.

  • Acupuncture has proven beneficial in the treatment of many diseases and illnesses, some of which include:

    • Pain

    • Migraines

    • Tension headaches

    • Stress

    • Depression

    • Anxiety

    • Insomnia

    • Fatigue

    • Diarrhea

    • Constipation

    • Heartburn

    • PMS

    • Dysmenorrhea

    • Infertility

  • First, you and your acupuncturist will discuss why you are seeking treatment and your overall health history. Your acupuncturist will then guide you to the treatment table, making you comfortable before inserting extremely fine needles into the skin in designated points on the body.

    A needle insertion may feel like nothing, or like a very quick pinch similar to a mosquito bite. Sensations may vary depending on the area of the body and the condition being treated. The goal is always to provide an effective treatment with the appropriate amount of stimulation. You’ll rest with the needles in place for about 20–30 minutes, after which they will be removed, leaving you relaxed and rejuvenated.


What is cupping?

A soothing and relaxing therapy, cupping is the inverse of massage. Instead of pressing into muscles, the cups pull upward to create gentle suction, improving blood flow to the tissues, decreasing inflammation, and reducing pain and tension.

    • Decreased pain

    • Decreased muscle tension

    • Alleviate allergy symptoms

    • Better immune system regulation

    • Better sleep

    • Clearer skin

    • Balanced emotions

    • Improvement in chronic illness

    • Improved whole body functioning

  • As with an acupuncture treatment, you will be guided to a treatment table. Heat is used to create a vacuum within the cup, and then skin and muscle are stretched while the cup is lowered and held in place by suction. After about 10 minutes the cups are removed, inducing a deep feeling of relaxation. Cupping marks to the skin are common and will fade within a few days.

Bach Flower Essence Therapy

What is Flower Essence Therapy?

Through the principle of resonance, flower essence therapy uses vibrational energetics to stimulate the body’s natural capacity to bring itself back to homeostasis. In other words, flower essence therapy is a natural, subtle approach to achieving your health goals. As a homeopathic remedy, there are no physical parts of the plants involved, making the therapy safe for all.

    • Positive outcomes from using flower essences may include:

    • Greater peace and calmness during stressful episodes in your life

    • Ability to experience enhanced joy and optimism

    • Forgiveness towards yourself and others

    • Deeper connection and understanding in relationships

    • Higher clarity and focus

    • Relief from physical tension and pain

    • Gaining insight into your life’s purpose and direction

  • In your introductory appointment, questionnaire, conversation, and physical exam (including pulse, tongue, and hara diagnosis) your therapist will gently administer a topical application of essences on spirit points (acupuncture points with no needles). As you relax into the experience, your therapist will create your individualized formula, which you will take home along with instructions for further treatment.. Depending on the degree of imbalance, flower essences may have an immediate effect, while others may unfold slower over the course of a few days or weeks. Treatment can be a bit like peeling an onion, and flowers often change as certain tendencies subside and more of the deeper issues come to the surface.


Initial Acupuncture Appointment (45 minutes): $125

Follow-Up Acupuncture Appointment (60 minutes): $89

Initial Bach Flower Essence Session (60 minutes): $150

Bach Flower Essence Follow-Up (30 minutes): $75

Cupping (30 minutes): $50

As our acupuncture services are not in-network with insurance companies, payment is the client’s responsibility, and we accept HSA/debit/credit cards.If you’d like to use out-of-network benefits, please first consult with your individual insurance plan to determine eligibility, and we can then provide a detailed invoice for you to submit for reimbursement from your provider.